Moondance Cancer Awards

Celebrating brilliant people and brave ideas across Wales

The Moondance Cancer Awards celebrate and spotlight individuals and teams across NHS Wales and its partners who deliver, lead and innovate cancer services. The 2024 awards took place on 13 June at Depot, Cardiff.

Over 100 nominations were submitted and a shortlist of 55 went on to be considered by our esteemed panel of judges.

Colleagues from across Wales came together at the Celebration and Awards Night to celebrate the phenomenal work taking place across cancer services that is benefitting patients and to see who took home the 10 awards on offer.

Details of all the winners can be found below.


Achievement Awards

  • Working Together - 3D-printed Eye Shields for Radiotherapy, Swansea Bay UHB
  • Better Patient Experience (joint) - Prostate Active Care Together (P.A.C.T), Hywel Dda UHB & Expansion of Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service, Teenage Cancer Trust / Cardiff & Vale UHB
  • Patient & Public Participation & Involvement - Improving Equity of Care for Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients, Tassia Haines (in memoriam) & campaigning colleagues

Innovation & improvement

  • Cancer Treatment - All-Wales Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis Service, Cardiff & Vale UHB, Basingstoke Peritoneal Malignancy Institute
  • Cancer Workforce - Regional Hepatocellular Carcinoma Service for South Wales, Cardiff & Vale UHB, Aneurin Bevan UHB, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB
  • Early Detection & Diagnosis - Lung Health Checks - Operational Pilot for Wales, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB & National Strategic Clinical Network for Cancer
  • Working with industry & 3rd sector - QuicDNA, All Wales Medical Genomics Service, Amgen, Illumina, Aneurin Bevan UHB, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff & Vale UHB, Cardiff University, Life Sciences Hub Wales, Tenovus Cancer Care, Health and Care Research Wales, Maxwell Family Genomics Fund


  • Systems & Pathways - Kara Price, Transformation Programme Manager, Powys Teaching HB
  • Non-medical & Nursing - Rachel Lewis, Allied Health Professional Lead, Hywel Dda UHB
  • Medical - Ms Zoe Barber, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

Awards shortlist

Read it here

Our judges

Meet the panel

Celebration & Awards Night 2024

See the photos