Towards Zero Deaths from Bowel Cancer in Wales

Active Projects 1 Project
Duration 2023 - 2026
Funding Up to £1million

Every year in Wales, over 900 people die from bowel cancer. This number is increasing, and so are the inequalities in care. Despite this, Bowel Cancer remains one of the most treatable of cancers, with effective opportunities at several points to save lives.

Our Towards Zero Deaths from Bowel Cancer in Wales: Case for Change, co-created with bowel cancer professionals and patients, has identified a clear set of actions that can make a significant impact on bowel cancer care in Wales.

All the projects featured here align with the evidence backed actions and we will continue to champion, support, and fund the actions identified with partners across Wales to deliver the most impactful programme possible.

If you would like to work with us to enable the Case for Change, head her to read our funding principles and submit an EOI.

Active Projects

Pelican OReCO (Optimising Rectal Cancer Outcomes) Programme

Completed Projects

Understanding Genomics & Lynch syndrome in the colorectal MDT