Dr Hasan Haboubi

Dr Heather Wilkes

Prof Dean Harris

Duncan Stewart

Dr Dai Samuel

Anna Mullard

Mr James Horwood

Dr Elaine Hampton

Daniel Marshall

Savita Shanbhag

Mr Martyn Evans

Neil Hawkes

Dr Meleri Morgan

Sian Salkeld

Dyfed Huws

Prof Chris Hopkins

Huw Cripps

Dr Manish Patel

Steve Court

Alison Davies

Dr Ashish Bansal

Sarah Weston

Asma Munir

Benji Williams

Craig Dyer

Helen Lawrence

Dr Ruth Corbally

Fiona Hughes

Sian Morgan

Magdalena Meissner

Dr Sinan Eccles

Lt Col Leigh Davies

Jody Parker
Staff & Board Members
At the heart of Moondance Cancer Initiative is a small, dedicated and ambitious team
Clinical Advisory Group
A diverse range of clinicians at different stages of professional life, all with expertise in cancer, that share our belief that better is possible.