What we fund

Our investments deliver projects that help create a Wales where more people survive cancer.

The following is a guide to the areas we are typically interested in:

General characteristics

  • Projects that test out and/or introduce a new/adapted cancer service, diagnostic, treatment, technology or workforce solution on the ground
  • Projects that accelerate the uptake and scaling of recently-proven innovations into routine care or practice
  • Projects may be multi-year but should be clearly time-limited and must be able to work towards the innovation/solution being adopted by service providers
  • All projects must have a measurable potential impact on cancer survival outcomes
  • We welcome ambitious, ‘disruptive’ thinking

We welcome conversations about projects fitting these characteristics across primary, secondary and tertiary care, and in the community.

Where non-repayable funding is sought, projects must be additional to government and NHS spend.

Thematic focus

In the next few years we are especially interested in – but not limited to – projects that impact bowel cancer and upper gastro-intestinal cancer survival.

We are also excited about the potential for change relating to:

  • Early diagnosis and targeted screening (health checks)
  • Harnessing AI to target diagnostics and treatment
  • Transforming the cancer workforce
  • Efficient and patient-centred ways of working enabled by new technologies

We don’t fund clinical/academic research, product development, the provision of services, or projects duplicating those already funded by sister organisations in the third sector.

Accessing our funding

The starting point for us is a conversation. Get in touch and let's talk through your ideas.

If together we think there's a fit and a potential to have significant impact on cancer survival outcomes in Wales, we'll proceed to scoping and feasibility. Throughout, we'll aim to be rigorous and focussed, but keep the paperwork light.

Don't wait for a formal call or funding round - we do occasionally have them, but some of our most exciting projects and partnerships emerge organically through conversation sparking insight, and action.

Ready to tell us your idea?