Partnership ethos

  • We want to connect with people who have ideas and energy, who can spot opportunities for change and can try out potential new solutions - whether that’s a new cancer service, treatment, technology or workforce solution (or a gamechanger we haven’t thought of yet!)
  • We’re sector agnostic. We partner with pioneers within the NHS, in the voluntary and private sectors. What’s important is that you have relevant ideas and capacity to bring to improving cancer survival.
  • We're looking for optimistic doers. Over the next decade, there will be profound shifts in what’s possible in cancer care. Targeted prevention support, earlier diagnosis, personalised care - all offer the promise of catching cancer earlier. We want to harness all these opportunities for people across all our communities in Wales.
  • We're in this for the long-haul. We recognise that success won’t be overnight but we do think significant and sustainable change is achievable over the next ten to fifteen years, together.

When you work with us, you can expect to see the following principles in action:

  • We’re united with our partners in a shared commitment to better cancer outcomes in Wales
  • Every project we fund is an important investment to us, and we actively support our pioneers to succeed
  • We support innovations and improvements that can be taken to scale. This means:
    • Supporting each project to succeed on its own terms, keeping a steady eye on the impact for patients
    • Ensuring honest and robust evaluation to assess the potential to scale across Wales, and
    • Championing projects that prove their potential
  • We’re a small, highly collaborative team, and we roll up our sleeves to help when required
  • We appreciate the value of our partners’ time. We commit to simple, transparent communications, and quick turnarounds.

Moondance Pioneers join our network, which supports them to make positive and creative connections, to gain mutual support, access mentoring, and shape future projects.

Want to partner with us?