Project Lead(s)

Asma Munir
ContactBreast reconstruction is one of the important components in the treatment of many breast cancer patients. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy offers improved psycho-social well-being and helps in restoring symmetry, and correct body image.
In most cases of reconstruction, surgeons base the assessment of breast reconstruction on physical examination and visual size-estimates of breast size. This subjectivity has been seen as one of the limitations in the overall success of breast reconstruction and can often result in the need for additional revision procedures.
This project tested the use of 3D imaging as a guide for surgical planning, using the software as a tool for assessing preoperative breast volumes to guide reconstruction surgery. The intent was to establish whether it enhanced or altered the judgement of surgeons within this process, and while the work found that it did not, at this stage, it does offer a potential future approach as technologies are refined and larger cohorts of patients are involved.