Project Lead(s)

Craig Dyer
ContactLocal Anaesthetics Thoracoscopy (LAT) is an essential tool in the early diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Commonly referred to as “medical thoracoscopy” or “pleuroscopy”, LAT is a minimally invasive procedure that involves passing a small endoscope through the chest wall. It plays an important role in obtaining quality biopsies to confirm or refute a diagnosis of pleural malignancy, and is a vital tool in cancer staging.
This work saw the introduction of a Local Anaesthetic Thoracoscopy service at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board offering patients more accurate and timely diagnosis for both lung cancer and mesothelioma.
During the funded period (June 2023 - April 2024), 30 successful procedures were carried out, all of which were within one week of referral. demonstrating a reliable and predictable service for patients. The introduction of this service within Cardiff and Vale UHB has has removed the need for patients to be referred out of area for the procedure, enabling patients to be seen quicker and closer to home. This service has also offered additional treatment options for patients with malignant pleural disease.
This is now an established service and will be continued by the health board.